Film producing is a complicated job because you have to prepare for every little detail. For that reason, you should make a film production schedule template for every production at the beginning of the pre-production process. Also, at the same time, you have to make sure that the schedule would be effective. It means you should build a perfect production schedule that would help every process run effectively.
How to Make Effective Film Production Schedule Template
Everyone knew producing a film is not only about casting and shooting. There’s a long preparation long before the production house announced they’re going for production. Not to mention, when there’s a problem arise, the production could get halted, or worst it could get canceled. For that reason, making you have to be meticulous in making the schedule. Here below is a list of the know-how on making your film production schedule template become effective:
Get on the Same Boat
This point is only a metaphor to get everyone in board looks in the same direction. For short, all the involved parties should have the same purpose. The reason is that, if you couldn’t agree on the same purpose, then the decision making would become a war of words. Thus, all the meetings would get time consumed when you couldn’t agree on one matter. Thus, imagine how many things you have to agree as a team for the rest of the production.
Read the Script
When scheduling, you have to understand for the story that you’re going to produce. The only way to make it happen is by reading the script. At this process, you have to make a list of the people and scenes. For the first, you have to schedule the people for their availability. Afterward, schedule the tough scenes and last follow with the easy scenes. Also, while at this, you have to take note of every person performance capability.
List What You Need
Once you put the schedule in a timeline, make another note for the crews, talents, extra, costumes, prop, vehicle, and even the special effect that you would need. Run for another breakdown of that schedule in more details – in each individual scene. Once you have this, then you can start point on the date and time for the filming. Also, if there are few easy scenes in the same setting, you can schedule for back to back shoot.
Following with the advanced world, think on cloud sharing schedule (if you haven’t start with it yet). The reason is that there’s a possibility you forget someone if you’re sending the schedule via email. For that reason, you have to share the schedule on the platform with easy accessibility. Google Docs and Skype could help you for free in sharing the schedule to everyone you decide to have the access. Or you could also invest a small amount of money to buy the scheduling app for your production.
Allocate Extra Time
Getting extended from the originally you planned is a sure thing to happen in every production plan. Thus, when the same thing happens to you, don’t get discouraged. To anticipate this problem, you should allocate some extra period for each step. For example, although you would like to finish the casting in three months, you have to put an additional ten days in your timeline, just in case.
Example of Film Production Schedule Template
Making the film production schedule template is harder than some others schedule making. The reason is that there are things you have to do prior to start in scheduling. For that reason, it’s better for you to look at the example of film production schedule template that attached here. That way, you would know on what work you have to do when making the schedule.

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