Garden Maintenance Schedule Template: Having a beautiful garden is a dream for most people. At some point, the garden could be a representative of the house owner. The reason is that the garden becomes the first thing that people would see from a house. For that reason, you should keep maintenance on your garden for it to be always at its best condition. To do that, it would be easier for you by making a garden maintenance schedule template. Thus, there’s something that would remind you to tend your garden, moreover if you have a busy schedule.
Why You Have to Maintain Your Garden
For most people, having a beautiful garden is a matter of pride and something to brag (in a silent way) in the neighborhood. Even, some people ready to hire professional help to tend their garden. But either you maintain your garden by yourself or hire other people to do it, you still need to have the garden maintenance schedule template. Here below are the reasons why you should keep maintain your garden:
1. Make Your Garden Always Look Thriving
The first result you would get for maintaining your garden is you would have a thriving garden. The constant care that you give to your garden would surely make your plants healthier. The reason is that you would surely check on each plant needs, from water, nutrient, until cleaning the fallen leaves. That way, the plants in your garden would always look at their best condition. Thus, your garden would always look great.
2. Adding the Appeal Your House
Having a beautiful garden would do great for your part since people would see your garden first before your interior. Not to mention, the passerby who walks at the curb would surely appreciate a house with a beautiful garden than not. Also, a garden is not only an accessory but an extension of a house. Further, it’s an ideal ratio to have minimal 30% open space compared to 70% building for your house.
3. Drive Away Pest from Your Home
By regularly maintaining the garden, could be the best way to drive away from the unwanted creature from your home. Since you would do regular cleaning for the garden, there would be no pest or small animal that inhabit your garden. Also, with the regular cleaning, you would also throw away the dead leaves, fallen branches, and twigs. The reason is that keeping these wastes would equal keeping insects as pets.
4. Make the Small Environment around Your House Healthier
Just like you know, the plant is an oxygen generator that God gave us for free. Thus, by keeping your garden in good condition also guarantee for a good source of oxygen. That way, your house would feel healthier with plenty of oxygen around. Not to mention, the natural color from your garden would cleanse your sight from the constant facing gadget screen for everyday life.
5. Stress Reliever
Tending the garden could be a stress reliever, and many people pick gardening as a hobby. Aside from having a hand in growing something would satisfy, the direct interaction with nature also could be a gateway from the modern world we’re living. Not to mention, when you get an attractive garden as the result of your effort, you would feel proud of your accomplishment. Also, even looking at the garden could be a small break from the busy schedule.
Garden Maintenance Schedule Template You Would Like to Have
After knowing the importance of maintaining the garden, now you would like to do it regularly. To make it easier, you need for the garden maintenance schedule template to help you in reminding about the activity. For that reason, you could look at the example attached here to help you decide on how you would like to make your garden maintenance schedule.
Garden Maintenance Schedule

Garden Maintenance 02
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Weekly Garden Maintenance Schedule

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Garden Maintenance Schedule Template

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Garden Maintenance Schedule Month By Month

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Garden Maintenance 04
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Free Garden Maintenance Schedule

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Yard & Garden Maintenance Schedule

Garden Maintenance 06
Regulatory Rain And Garden Maintenance Schedule

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Safe Work Garden Maintenance Schedule

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Garden Maintenance 09

Garden Maintenance 10
Monthly Garden Maintenance Schedule

Garden Maintenance Schedule 01
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