Landscape maintenance schedule: Since the medieval era, the landscape became one unity with the architectural building. Not only Europe, but also the Asian culture also had something similar, from Japanese until the Middle East had their landscape style. Through the years, the landscape still becomes an important part of architectural design. People even keep the landscape Maintenance on schedule for it to always look good. For that reason, landscape Maintenance schedule template became an important item one shouldn’t lose.
Important Pointers in Landscape Maintenance
Although most people choose to hire for professional help, some may wish to do the lawn maintenance by themselves. The reason is that by doing the manual labor when maintaining landscape can help in reducing the stress from work. Not to mention, the satisfaction would be different. That’s why the first thing you need is to provide for landscape Maintenance schedule template. Afterward, you should look at the pointers below to know what to do:
Fertilize at Spring
Having fertile ground is the most important part of the landscape. The reason is that the ground keeps bearing the plants for years long and it would lack in mineral and nutrient. That’s why it should get fertilize to give the mineral and nutrient that the plants need. Also, the best time to do it is when Spring comes, because Spring season is the time when the plants start to grow the most.
High Level Mow in the Summer
Mowing the grass is something regular that you have to do to keep the landscape attractive. But when Summer, you shouldn’t mow the grass too short. Only cut for the one-third parts from the top of the grass. That way, the ground would be cooler, and the root would grow deeper. For that, there’s an easy to know on how to do this – by setting your mower on its highest level. Also, make sure to sharpen the mower blades at least once a month.
Pruning When Winter
Pruning is something you couldn’t forget for landscape Maintenance. But you have to remember not to prune too much since heavy pruning means more growing and need for more water. The best time to prune your plants is when winter to prevent it grows too much. You shouldn’t cut off more than 25% part from the plant and make sure to use the right tools.
Control the Weed
Weed is the enemy for the plants in your landscape. Aside from it would mess with your landscape aesthetic, the weed also steals the mineral and nutrient that the plants need. Not to mention, weed also may become a place for insect and pest to hide. Heavy sprout of weed may also become the reason why a new plant couldn’t survive and die. That’s why you should clean your landscape from weed through the year to keep the plants safe and get the nutrient they deserve.
Considerate on the Water Usage
Just like any other creature, the plant also needs water to survive. But excessively watering the plants in your landscape also is not something good. Aside from the plants only need the water moderately, you also need to save your water usage. There are many ideas from people on how they should save water, like cycling the water. There are also some people who put the container to catch rainwater and use it to water their plants.
Example of Landscape Maintenance Schedule Template for You to Use
Aside from the mentioned things to do for landscape maintaining above, there are other things you might want to add in your maintenance schedule. If you’re not sure what to do, then look at the example of landscape Maintenance schedule template attached here. That way, you would get other pointers on what to do for when maintaining the landscape. Also, keep them on the schedule rotation for you to remember what you have to do on a certain date of Maintenance.
Landscape Maintenance Schedule
Annual Landscape Maintenance Schedule
Monthly Landscape Maintenance Schedule Template

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