The planned preventive maintenance schedule, or should we say PPM schedule, is one of the most important parts of business operations. Since every business usually has machines and other devices that need maintenance multiple times in a period. How to make a good PPM schedule then? What’s the best way to make PPM schedule that time-saving? Here’s the answer, including PPM schedule template excel as examples.
The Real Function of Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule
Actually, what is the real function of PPM schedule? Is it just containing a list of machines and the time to check their condition? Of course, it’s not. PPM schedule is more valuable than that. For more detail here it is the function of PPM schedule.
Ensuring The Machine’s Capability
First, the function of a PPM schedule is to ensure the machine’s capability to work. Before letting your machines operate for business, you must first know about their life durations. Every machine has its own manual as well as the life-range. There are machines need to be replaced each year, for example. Meanwhile, there are also machines don’t need a replacement for years.
Knowing When The Devices Need A Replacement
Most of the times, your machine just need preventive maintenance schedule template so it wouldn’t be damaged by its duty. However, there will be the time when the machine gets broken completely and you can do nothing to repair it. Having a PPM schedule will help you prepare for this. You can include the necessity of replacement far before the devices are getting broken.
Detailing The Necessary Activities in Maintenance
Ideal PPM schedule should include the activities you need to do during the maintenance. Most devices usually need more than treatment when they’re on service, especially if they’re in the down condition. When you make a PPM schedule that includes everything you’ll do when maintenance, you’ll be more prepared.
Highlighting The Done and Undone Activities
Do you ever have a to-do list? If yes, you must be used to strike or highlight the activities you’ve finished. Just the same with what you need to do on the PPM schedule. However, you wouldn’t need to strike or highlighting as manually on the PPM schedule. Especially if it’s made by a tool like Ms. Excel. Instead, you just need to choose the maintenance activities you’ve finished and given color on the row beside it.
Predicting When The Maintenance is Over
When you have a list of planned preventive activities, you can set the time range of each activity. And finally, you’ll know when the deadline your maintenance has to be finished. Even if you can’t finish the maintenance right on the exact date, you’ll know the right time your maintenance should be over.
How To Make A Good Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule
How to make a good planned preventive maintenance schedule based on the function above? The first and foremost thing you must know is its components. PPM schedule must include the maintenance activities, list of machines, and the deadline of each activity.
The second thing you must know is that there are many tools to make a PPM schedule. However, most people tend to use Ms. Excel, since it’s easy and already set up on the PC. You just need to open up the app and write on the columns and rows as you like. As an example, below this, we have some PPM schedule template Excel for you.
Best Samples of Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template
Here are 20 amounts of planned preventive maintenance schedule excel we’ve prepared for you. If you want to download, just click on PPM schedule template pdf right on the link below. They’re all printable so you can also download it right from our website.
Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template

Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template
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Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template Excel

Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template
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Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template PDF

Planned Preventive Maintenance Schedule Template PDF
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That’s all about planned preventive maintenance schedule as well as its template Excel. Download it right now and start planning your maintenance.